Personality Archetypes

According to Principles You assessment Personality Archetypes: I am most like the Shaper with also attributes of the Adventurer and the Inventor.

The Shaper

Shapers visualize ambitious goals, set plans in place, and push through relentlessly to make them happen.

They tend to be independent, original, driven, demanding, adaptable and at times impatient and single minded.

Typical Shapers dream big and unconventionally and have the determination and personal accountability to push through obstacles in their way. Their creativity and independent style drives them to the edge of rebelliousness and sometimes pushes them over it.

They think that if they can clearly visualize a goal, they can achieve it; that is, it’s within their complete control to succeed or fail.

They're able to maintain conflicting thoughts simultaneously and evaluate them from different perspectives, navigating between the big picture and granular details. They're comfortable taking the lead and demanding high levels of performance from those who follow them.

Among other distinguishing characteristics is their ability to inspire people to get behind their vision. They relish having fierce debates with other equally strong-willed thinkers. They have no problem telling people what they really think, good, bad, and ugly. They make sure their vision perseveres over the doubts and opposition of others.

They are generally less interested in getting involved in people's feelings and emotions and may not go out of their way to help and support those people, but rather expect them to take care of their own needs. Their tenacious, uncompromising, and single-minded
focus may lead to the neglect of some of their personal relationships.

They can make sure that people don't react negatively to their unrelenting passion and drive for their vision by learning how to communicate and engage with people who are wired differently than them. 

The Adventurer

Adventurers are motivated by taking part in fun, exciting, and adventurous activities and pursuits. They tend to be excitement-seeking, fun-loving, energetic, independent, open to new experiences, and spontaneous.

Adventurers are motivated by taking part in fun, exciting, and adventurous activities and pursuits. They are always on the go and on the lookout for new sensations and stimulations, and even more enticingly, work opportunities that provide variety and stimulation.

Typical Adventurers have an abundance of energy that they direct into physical and mental activities and in expressing their zest for life and living. They feel most alive when they’re juggling multiple tasks and moving quickly down their own path. It’s even better when that adventure includes participating alongside other enthusiasts who search for the same kind of thrills. Sharing enhances the experience.

They often become bored with repetition and will want to move on to new activities that generate new levels of excitement. They have a natural capacity to adapt quickly and easily to changing circumstances.

Other distinguishing characteristics include being friendly and engaging. They tend to be spontaneous, emergent, and optimistic. They are often adept at improvising new plans and strategies in the moment, and tend to reject conventional and routine ways of doing things. They prefer to make decisions based on the best available information at the time, rather than depending on a predetermined course of action or too much advanced planning.

They are tolerant of uncertainty, which can stem from their lower preference for organization and meticulousness. Their propensity to change and flex with their environment, in combination with their high energy and independent approach, can make it challenging for others to keep up. They can come across to others as scattered, ungrounded, or disorganized.

Making sure their energy is focused on continuing to develop and maintain their relationships is key, particularly with those who are not as venturesome and risk tolerant.

The Inventor

Inventors are driven by coming up with new and innovative ideas, products and solutions. They tend to be creative, open-minded, conceptual, spontaneous and at times disorganized and unstructured.

Inventors have high curiosity and creativity, which often leads them to develop new products and ideas. Inventors typically possess a creative and original thinking style, a high degree of comfort with the unknown, and an attraction to the mysterious world that they don't fully understand yet. They're comfortable living in a chaotic and disorganized environment, and prefer trying things out, seeing how they work, and changing things on the fly as firsthand experience dictates.

They don't care too much about what other people think about their tendency to shift focus because they're generally comfortable being who they are and love the mental excitement that new ideas stimulate within them.

Other distinguishing characteristics include a preference for cutting their own path and doing their own thing. They adjust easily to changes in circumstances and prefer to work without much guidance or direction from others. They generally catch on quickly to complex and abstract concepts.

They dig deep into the inner workings of their latest projects and are willing to roll up their sleeves and experiment with new ideas and ways of doing things. Their tendency to lose interest in more practical or routine aspects of the process may translate into spending too much time exploring possibilities versus bringing decisions to closure, and/or a tendency to miss important deadlines and target dates for completion.


Paul is een gedreven consultant. Geef hem data en hij zoekt gedetailleerd naar de reden voor afwijkingen en onvolkomenheden!

.—Thijs Van Hegelsom. Directeur Business Control - Vebego Nederland.

We willen Paul bedanken voor zijn inzet en bereikte resultaten voor de onderneming. Mede door zijn doorzettingsvermogen en onafhankelijke blik is hij in staat gebleken een aantal noodzakelijke aanpassingen in de bedrijfsuitvoering door te voeren en te begeleiden. Wij hebben waardering voor het feit dat hij niet te bang was de bekende paden te verlaten.

Hij heeft de organisatie transparanter en inzichtelijker weten te maken. Hierdoor zijn we steeds meer in staat gebleken de sterke en zwakke punten in de onderneming te ontdekken en te verbeteren.

L.B.W.M. van Kimmenade . Directeur Brakat BV

Op verzoek van Paul Stokmans beveel ik een mogelijk MKB-groeiondersteuningsproject uitgevoerd door Paul Stokmans graag aan. Paul werkt ondernemend, snel en is zorgvuldig in de afwikkeling. Het MKB-doorstartersproject is een goed project van de gemeente Tilburg.

- Hans Janssen, Wethouder economische zaken, Gemeente Tilburg

While working with Paul I got to know him as a results oriented, creative and reliable partner. I can higly recommend him.

- Michiel de Jongh, global ag-tech executive, Director and operator